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Catholic Apologetics Blog

Angels: The Metaphysics and Misconceptions

The following work was originally submitted to Holy Apostles College and Seminary on April 24th, 2021, as part of the coursework for PSH...

The Liturgy Within the Sacramental Economy

Submitted November 09, 2017; How the Liturgy fits into the Sacramental Economy. The sacramental economy refers to that part of the...

Mariology: A Brief Overview

A short review of Mariology in the Catholic Church with special regard for Mary’s perpetual virginity (CCC., 499-501; 510), a weekly...

How To Defend Doctrine

My posts have been scarce as of late. Mainly, that’s because I am still getting a feel for the best ways to juggle work, family, and this...

Signing Wedding Promises

After a Catholic bride and groom join themselves in marriage, the priest says, “What God joins together, let no one put asunder.” The...

5 Ways You Can Get More Out Of the Mass

Over the past week, while visiting my wife’s family up in the Pacific Northwest, I had attended Mass a couple of times. First, for Easter...

Why the Church Needs Radical Catholics

The Real Definition of Radicalism What does it mean to be “radical?” One would have you believe that radicalism is always a bad thing. In...

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