The following prayer is a private devotion and has not been approved by any governing body of the Catholic Church. Its use should be under discretion.
Heavenly Father, who from your infinite wisdom has ushered in every generation of man, I fly to you for assistance in my moment of need. In your fidelity to all your people you brought St. John Henry Newman into the Body of Christ. Recognizing the perfection I see in your Divine Son, and calling to mind the sins which darken my intellect, bring my mind into the clarity faith that only your grace can offer. Quiet my flesh that my soul might hear you.
O Holy Spirit, who guides the path to righteousness and paves the way to true faith, take me on as your humble servant; teach me to love the Will of God as you have so taught St. John Henry Newman, that I may not merely pursue it, but that I may rejoice in its execution.
Precious Lord, by your blood you have redeemed me who has merited nothing of my own accord. Help me to recognize in your suffering the call to pursue you even unto death, as you have done for me. Open my mind’s eye to the wonder of your love and expel from my heart the heavy burden of doubt.
All this I ask of the author of reason, the master of clarity; you who are true God and true man, with God the Father Almighty in the unity of the Holy Spirt, God forever and ever.
Holy Mary, Mother of the Incarnate Word, assist me in my endeavor to follow your precious Son. By your help, I pray that I might grow in understanding. By your help, I pray that I might love more fully the work of your Son, Christ Jesus, on the cross. By your help, I pray that the light of reason, that precious gift, might take up residence in my mind.
St. John Henry Newman, in your hunger for the truth you embraced the divine gift of reason that aided you on your journey into the Body of Christ. Pray for me, so I might reap the benefits of that sacred gift. Help me, servant of God, to busy myself with the things of God, and to evade those idle cares of the world which distract my mind. Pray that I might be bolstered by the Holy Spirit, who calls our hearts to pursue Him who made me, that I might die in his friendship at the end of my life. Amen.